Dress Code

The dress code is designed to maintain an environment conducive to learning and appropriate for the educational setting. We expect students to be discreet, modest and clean in appearance. While interpretation of these terms is necessary and community standards change through time, our expectations are the following:


  • The school reserves the right to disallow/restrict clothing that sends an inappropriate message of any kind. This includes but is not restricted to any article or apparel which displays obscene words, pictures, or designs; any article that conveys a sexually suggestive remark, demonic image, a pro-alcohol message, a tobacco and/or drug related message.
  • Muscle shirts and strapless tops are not to be worn in the school.
  • Tank tops with spaghetti straps and all tops that expose the midriff and/or have necklines that are too low are unacceptable.
  • Undergarments should not be visible
  • Shorts and skirts must be a reasonable length (mid-thigh may be considered as a guideline), in keeping with the spirit of the MBCI dress code.
  • Special uniforms are required for school concerts, music performances and athletic events.
  • Caps and other types of head wear must adhere to the above clothing guidelines, should not interfere with school engagement, and may not be worn in Jubilee Place.  They must be removed as requested by a teacher as you enter their space.
  • Any visible body piercings, with the exception of earrings and small nose studs or rings, are not allowed.


The dress code is similar to what one would expect for most informal working environments where the public is served in a business environment. We believe that it is reasonable and allows for a wide range of expression. Students who do not comply will be asked to change or borrow appropriate clothing.