Statement of Faith

MBCI is a community of faith, built on Christian values. The foundation of these values is our Statement of Faith.

Some of the central aspects of this Confession are:

  1. God exists eternally in three persons, Father, Son, and Spirit, infinite in power, holiness and love.
  2. The Bible is the revelation of God's action and purpose. It is the inspired and authoritative word of God for faith and life.
  3. God is creator and sustainer of our world, and we who live in it are to use it responsibly and reverently.
  4. Humans were created in the image of God with a free will to make moral choices. They chose to turn from God, and now are in need of forgiveness and restoration.
  5. God, through Jesus Christ, has taken the initiative to restore the relationship between humans and God.
  6. People who accept the grace of God will be forgiven and restored.
  7. Those who are restored in their relationship to God become part of the Church, through baptism upon confession of faith in Christ.
  8. The Church exists in the form of local congregations and denominational groupings worldwide.
  9. In the church, believers celebrate the Lord's Supper in remembrance of Christ.
  10. The Holy Spirit dwells in Christians and their character reflects the presence of the Spirit.
  11. By the Holy Spirit's enabling, Christians witness to the presence, power, and love of God in word and deed.
  12. In a world of self-centredness and violence, Christians are to be peace-makers, loving their enemies, and helping to reconcile others who are in conflict.
  13. In a world of discrimination, Christians are to treat all people with dignity and respect, regardless of gender, race, nation, creed, or socio-economic status.
  14. In a world of despair, Christians affirm that God is sovereign in human history, and they live in hope, looking forward to the return of Jesus Christ.